Zesty Yoghurt Hummus- Low FODMAP Recipe Of The Week

Posted on November 12, 2018


This week’s Low FODMAP Recipe of the week features Liddells Lactose Free Plain Yoghurt and Lactose Free Cheese! Perfect for an afternoon snack, as part of a salad or to serve to guests, this recipe will not disappoint!

Recipe makes 12 serves

Prep time: 15 minutes

Cook time: nil



Liddells Lactose Free Cheese, Grated


Liddells Lactose Free Plain Yoghurt




Step 1. Combine the chickpeas, lemon juice, cumin, cayenne, salt, pepper and garlic infused extra virgin olive oil in a food processor and blend until smooth. Add the tahini and yohurt and whiz to a creamy puree, adding  1-2 tbsp water to lighten if need be. Refrigerate until needed.

Step 2. Place in a serving bowl with some smoked paprika and a grating of cheese.



Liddells have a wide range of FODMAP Friendly Certified Products!



Liddells Lactose Free products are available at supermarkets across Australia.

Click here to visit their website to see their full range of products!

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