April Is IBS Awareness Month, And Our Focus This Year Is On FODMAPs!

Posted on March 28, 2018

April Is IBS Awareness Month, And This Year We’ve Got Our Focus On FODMAPs

The Importance Of The FODMAP Diet In The Management Of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)


It is estimated that the prevalence of IBS in Australia ranges from 10-25% of the general population, and more than 1 BILLION people worldwide suffer from IBS-type symptoms. This means that every 7th person you know is experiencing some kind of gastrointestinal distress, like bloating or abdominal pain.

To date, a low FODMAP Diet has shown to be the most effective method in relieving IBS-type symptoms, with up to 85% of patients experiencing symptom relief.

Studies commenced in Australia have been verified by studies taken place in the USA, UK, New Zealand and Scandinavia. A low FODMAP diet is recommended as the preferred treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). It has been integrated into the NICE (UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) clinical guidelines and British Dietetic Association guidelines, New Zealand best practice guidelines and it is recommended & implemented by FODMAP experts, including internationally-renowned medical organisations worldwide.

What are FODMAPs?

FODMAP‘ is an acronym which stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Dissacharides, Monosaccharides and Polyols; names of groups of poorly-absorbed short-chain carbohydrates, including galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), fructans, lactose, fructose in excess of glucose and sugar alcohols, like mannitol & sorbitol.

Here is a table which summarises the foods that are high & low in FODMAPs according to food group they belong to:

*Some gluten free breads may contain high FODMAP ingredients, such as soy flour. 

This April, we invite FODMAP expert clinicians and IBS patients to come and learn how to eat with confidence.

We’re dedicating the month to teaching you how to make your FODMAP diet manageable, no matter which stage you’re at in your journey.

We’ll be rolling out a series of themed blogs, Instagram Stories, recipes, and giveaways themed around a different FODMAP group per week, helping you learn how to shop & eat with confidence.

Here’s how it’s looking:


You’ll learn everything there is to learn about the FODMAP of the week, for a whole week each.

Delve into the research behind how FODMAPs can contribute to IBS-type symptoms, the sorts of foods in which you’re likely to find FODMAPs, as well as a range of label-reading & recipe swap ideas to help make navigating your ingredients lists & supermarket aisles a tonne easier.

Read on to get a glimpse of what’s on offer:

Spot the FODMAPs: Navigating Common Ingredients Lists

We’ll teach you how to spot FODMAPs in the ingredients lists of a range of food products commonly stocked throughout Australian supermarkets.

You’ll discover how and where to find low FODMAP alternatives, and which FODMAP Friendly certified products are appropriate throughout all phases of the FODMAP diet.

 Recipe Archive

We’ll provide you with recipes that are all super easy to prepare, provide practical & appropriate low FODMAP ingredients & food product substitutions, and are of course all FODMAP Friendly approved by us.

FODMAP Friendly Hamper Giveaways

Throughout April, make sure you keep an eye out on our FODMAP Friendly Facebook and Instagram pages for your opportunity to win 1 of 3 themed hampers containing FODMAP Friendly Certified products. 

Three to be won!

Stay up to date with what’s happening via our Facebook and Instagram channels, to see it all in happening in action!

At FODMAP Friendly, we’ve always got you covered.

Learn how to live and eat with confidence, starting this April 2018.

Join the conversation: #IBSAwareness #IBSAwarenessMonth #IBSAwarenessMonth2018

Eat with Confidence!

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