The Truth About Tofu!

Posted on September 17, 2015

Tofu – is it really FODMAP Friendly or not? The answer may surprise you!

For years many have heralded tofu as a staple dish in vegetarian cooking. High in plant-based protein, and many key micro-minerals, this soy based meat alternative is a fan favourite of many.

Until recently, low FODMAP eaters have embraced tofu as a popular ingredient in various dishes.

However, recent findings show that in larger amounts, tofu is NOT FODMAP Friendly.

In fact, only 30g of tofu was shown to be below the FODMAPs threshold, but larger, standard servings (such as 170g) far exceeded the FODMAP Friendly quota, in terms of excess GOS (an oligosaccharide FODMAP sugar).

S A I L O R SC L U B (2)

To confirm these results a second round of independent, laboratory approved testing was carried out by Australia’s largest food testing organisation, DTS Food Laboratories, which verified these results. This ensures we are bringing to you the most accurate, up to date, scientifically sound data.

For the full data on tofu, and many other tested products, make sure you pick up a copy of the new FODMAP Friendly App.

Disclaimer: always remember that FODMAP thresholds can be unique, between individuals. If eating tofu does not cause IBS type symptoms, then continue to enjoy. However, if you are experiencing ongoing problems, perhaps consider reducing your intake of this food, and as always see a health specialist, such as a registered dietitian.


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