5 Tips For Dining Out On The Low FODMAP Diet | FODMAP Friendly

Posted on October 05, 2019

Eating out of home can be a very challenging and daunting task for those who are following the low FODMAP diet. FODMAPs are present in nearly all meals that contain carbohydrates, so it can be difficult to determine if your dish is high or low in FODMAPs when it has not been cooked or prepared by you. For this reason, it is crucial to do research on the place you are going to dine at to ensure you have a great dining experience. This is why it is important to remember these 5 tips to keep you in control when you dine out.

1. Eat at a place with a variety of gluten-free options.

Eating out at a place with various gluten free options is a good choice because it eliminates meals that are high in FODMAPs from wheat. However, note that not all gluten-free products are FODMAP Friendly. Even though the dishes may not contain wheat, other high-FODMAP ingredients can still be present. Always be on the lookout for soy and legume-based products which are both gluten-free but high in FODMAPs. You can choose gluten-free and low FODMAP pastas and pizza bases with a plain tomato sauce, a non-marinated protein with low-FODMAP vegetables.

2. Look at the online menu beforehand.

This might sound like common sense, but looking at the menu and researching what the place has to offer is a very easy and effective way to ensure that your meal meets the low FODMAP criteria. If they don’t have low FODMAP selections then there is always the option to modify the dish. For example, you can simply eliminate pre-made sauces or high FODMAP cheeses from your meal. If in doubt, order items from the menu that can be easily modified or made fresh instead of pre-made options. Pre-made sauces can contain hidden ingredients that are high in FODMAPs.

3. Call to inform of dietary requirements.

Another great action to take is to call the restaurant you are planning to dine at to inform them of your dietary requirements and what options they would recommend. Informing the restaurant of your situation allows the staff to have a better understanding of what they can provide and which alternative options there are for you to eat and enjoy at their restaurant. Some restaurants may even offer to create a specific low FODMAP dish just for you – so it is definitely worth asking!

4. Pick cuisines that are based off low FODMAP grains.

Rice, corn and potato are examples of low FODMAP grains. Picking cuisines that base their dishes of these low FODMAP grains can be an easy way to find restaurants that will suit your dietary requirements! Eating Japanese is a great option as sushi is rice-based and the complimenting soy sauce is also low FODMAP. Chinese cuisine is also a good option if you choose the rice-based dishes. Just be mindful of the various different sauces as they may contain high FODMAP ingredients. Ask to see if your dish is free from onion, garlic and other high FODMAP ingredients. When eating Italian, choose low FODMAP, gluten-free based pizza and pasta with a plain tomato sauce and hard cheeses. Mexican cuisine is also recommended as one of their core staples is maize/corn used to make tacos and tortillas. So if you pair it with plain cooked protein or seafood and low FODMAP vegetables it is safe to eat!

5. Know your FODMAP tolerances.

If you know you are eating out, there are a few ways you can prepare yourself just in case you do eat something that triggers your symptoms. If you are in the mood for some creamy, high lactose mains or dessert, you can take a Lactase enzyme supplement before your meals to help with digestion of lactose-containing products. Another way to prepare ahead is to pack some peppermint oil with you to soothe symptoms if they occur unexpectedly. Lastly, just by knowing your tolerances and which FODMAPs are most susceptible to trigger your IBS symptoms is important. You may not have to avoid every FODMAP group if you know your tolerance level well. Working with a dietitian who is trained in determining FODMAP sensitivities is a great way to liberate your diet when eating out.

These 5 simple and easy tips can help you have a better dining experience and while remaining symptom free on the low FODMAP diet. Enjoy!

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