FODMAP Dietetics Shopping At Coles for FODMAP Friendly Certified Options!

Posted on July 05, 2016

Recently, Accredited Practising Dietitian Atlanta Miall from FODMAP Dietetics, paid a visit to a local Coles supermarket, to show consumers the Certified FODMAP Friendly products on offer!

Throughout Australia, over 100 FODMAP Friendly logo bearing products can be found across Australian supermarket shelves.

The Certified green logo lets you know that the product has been independently laboratory tested for its FODMAP levels, and is FODMAP Friendly approved.

This sure makes life much easier for the 1 in 7 individuals experiencing IBS type symptoms, and using a low FODMAP approach to manage their condition!

Click on the link below to see Atlanta explain what to look for when supermarket shopping, to take the guesswork out of supermarket shopping, and keep things FODMAP Friendly!

FF Dietetics screen shot

FODMAP Dietetics Shopping At Coles for FODMAP Friendly Certified Options!

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