How To Certify Food Products As FODMAP Friendly

Posted on April 08, 2019


The FODMAP Friendly Certification Trademark is a renowned around the world as a symbol for tested & certified low FODMAP foods. It signifies to those following the low FODMAP diet that a product is low in all FODMAP sugar groups and is safe to consume. The green logo is designed to symbolise the intertwining nature of the bowel, as well as two intersecting F’s standing for FODMAP Friendly.

If a product wears the FODMAP Friendly Certification Trademark, consumers can be reassured that:

  • Products have been independently tested at an approved laboratory.
  • Products are low in all FODMAP sugars:
    • Oligosacchardies (Fructans & GOS)
    • Disacchardies (Lactose)
    • Monosaccharides (Excess Fructose)
    • Polyols (Sorbitol & Mannitol)
  • Products can be consumed during all stages of the low FODMAP diet.
  • Products are safe to consume as per the suggested serving size labelled on the pack.
  • Products are regularly audited to ensure consistent low FODMAP results.

Food products must be tested in an approved laboratory and licensed to use the certification trademark prior to printing the logo on packaging. Unfortunately, there are products that claim to be low FODMAP, but have never been tested for their FODMAP levels as there are no regulations around the term “low FODMAP” on food labels.  The FODMAP Friendly logo allows the FODMAP community to identify safe products to consume and have the confidence that the product has been laboratory tested!

In a survey conducted on 647 participants experiencing IBS-type symptoms such as bloating, cramping, chronic diarrhoea or constipation:

92% of people claimed they would find it useful if foods were marked with a symbol or logo to indicate that they were safe to consume and would not trigger their symptoms.

The demand for low FODMAP products is greater than ever with supermarkets wanting to stock more FODMAP Friendly products on their shelves.

What Are The Steps To Certify My Products As FODMAP Friendly?

  1. 1. Preliminary Assessment

Our team of FODMAP expert dietitians will review the ingredients in your product to ensure that you are not testing products that are extremely high in FODMAPs. This process begins by completing our preliminary application form here.

We provide feedback on whether the product is suitable for FODMAP testing. If your product is not suitable for testing, we can advise on how best to re-formulate your product so that it is more likely to pass.

After this preliminary assessment, products are sent to our offices to begin the testing process.


  1. 2. Laboratory Testing 

DTS Food Assurance conduct all FODMAP testing for FODMAP Friendly. DTS only use state of the art equipment and have stringent controls and checking systems in place to ensure the highest quality results. They are also NATA-ISO 17025 accredited, this means they must meet high standards and provide evidence of this annually to maintain their accreditation. Food Standards Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ) specify that foods should be analysed in a NATA accredited lab.

To find out more about how DTS test for the FODMAP sugars, see this post.


  1. 3. Licensing To Use The Logo

Upon receiving FODMAP Friendly results from the laboratory, the manufacturer can be licensed to use the FODMAP Friendly logo on the packaging. After officiating a license to use the FODMAP Friendly logo, the manufacturer can print the logo on packaging and marketing material to market to the low FODMAP community that their product is safe to consume on the low FODMAP diet.


  1. 4. Adding Informative FODMAP Information On Your Website & Marketing Material For Your Consumer

FODMAP Friendly’s FODMAP expert team assist with the updating of your website and marketing material to include important information about FODMAPs and the low FODMAP diet. We also assist in reviewing recipes that the manufacturer creates to ensure recipes are low in FODMAPs by ingredient.


  1. 5. Launching Your Product To The FODMAP Community

We share new FODMAP Friendly certified products via our monthly newsletter to dietitians and FODMAP community globally. Certifying your products will allow you to share your product with the FODMAP community with confidence. Additionally, we have thousands of Fodmappers following our social media platforms, which new products and low FODMAP recipes are shared to help inspire more variety!

Are you a food manufacturer? Or perhaps you are a savvy low fodmapper that can see a gap in the market with a great FODMAP product idea?

Certifying your products as FODMAP Friendly gives you the confidence to enter the FODMAP market, knowing your product has been laboratory tested at an approved laboratory, and safe for those following the low FODMAP diet.

For more information on how to get your product FODMAP Friendly Certified, please contact us and submit and application form!




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