Let’s Welcome Bay From The UK!

Posted on April 23, 2018

Introducing Bay’s Kitchen! Three New FODMAP Friendly Certified Sauces Have Arrived!

Let’s Welcome Bay from the UK!

Bay‘s Kitchen have just launched a delicious range of stir-in cooking sauces made from the finest ingredients that are perfect for those who are following the low FODMAP diet, as well as those who simply enjoy good food.

  1. Explore the FODMAP Friendly Certified Bay’s Kitchen range below and let your imagination run wild with all the dishes you could create!

If you’re a big curry lover, you’ll want to dig right in to this rich, medium spicy Jalfrezi curry sauce. Get your curry kick on!

The Sweet & Sour Stir-in Sauce is a very tasty sauce, perfect for your Low FODMAP Chinese night in!

The Tomato & Basil Stir-in Sauce is perfect to make spaghetti bolognaise, Mediterranean pasta dishes and as a base sauce for many other delicious meals.

We had a chat to Hayley Burdett over at Bay’s Kitchen to learn all about her brand inspiration and experience with digestive health.

Check out the Q&A below!

How did your company begin?

My name is Hayley Burdett and I am the Founder of Bay’s Kitchen. I was diagnosed with IBS in November 2015 and was advised to follow a Low FODMAP Diet. After being quite hopeful following my doctor’s appointment that my gut issues would soon be a thing of the past, I soon realised there were no convenient, good tasting, certified Low FODMAP foods easily available in the UK. So I set about making each and every meal from scratch – not ideal as I was working very long hours at the time. Having found out nearly 1 in 3 suffer from IBS, I knew I couldn’t be the only one looking for these convenient tasty foods, and so the concept of Bay’s Kitchen was born.

What is the inspiration behind your range?

When making all my meals from scratch, I found that I could actually make really tasty foods even without onion, garlic and other high FODMAP ingredients. Particular favourites of mine were my pasta sauces and so I decided to start here with my range.

Why did you create your particular certified products?

After realising nearly every cooking sauce had onion, garlic and other ingredients I couldn’t tolerate and from making my own sauces which personally I thought tasted great, I decided to conduct some market research to see if I was right in thinking that there must be many more people out there trying to more easily follow a Low FODMAP Diet. The second range I am developing is a range of soups, as I find lunchtimes quite hard to find Low FODMAP convenient foods to take to work.

What are your own personal experiences with digestive health?

I have struggled with my gut health since early 2012. Like many of us do, I tried to ignore and hide my symptoms for quite some time – three and a half years to be precise. I was on holiday in Cyprus in October 2015 and my mum, sister and nieces were all playing in the sea and I just wanted to be playing with them, enjoying my holiday. Yet instead, I was lying in agony on the beach, I had to stretch out on my side to try to help the pain. The pain was exhausting, I couldn’t cope with it anymore. So as soon as I was back I booked an appointment and went to see my GP. I was diagnosed with IBS and told to follow a Low FODMAP Diet, which hasn’t been easy to follow but it has since changed my life. I still have IBS flare ups, brought on by stress, anxiety or something I’ve eaten accidentally, but it’s much less frequent now and I feel I am (mostly) back in control.

Why did you want to certify your products?

I wanted to certify my products so I could be confident in promoting them as Low FODMAP and my customers could be confident in eating them. I wanted to be able to put the ‘FODMAP Friendly’ stamp on my packaging, so these Low FODMAP products are more easy to spot on the crowded supermarket shelves for fellow ‘FODMAPPERS’. I think certifying the products will just instil confidence in my customers help them feel more at ease when food shopping.

What separates your products from others available on the market?

At Bay’s Kitchen we wanted to focus on taste, convenience, branding and of course being Low FODMAP. We feel those who follow restrictive diets already have to compromise enough, and so should be able to buy tasty, convenient, beautifully packaged and branded foods… and that’s where Bay’s Kitchen comes in! We are also focussing on our flavours – our Carbonara will set our range apart from those on the market!

Are there more products to be added to your range in future?

Definitely! Our first range is stir-in sauces, secondly, we will be launching a range of soups and then from there we have a few other ranges up our sleeves which we can’t say any more about just yet!

Where can people find out more about Bay’s Kitchen?

All information about Bay’s Kitchen can be found on our website: https://bayskitchen.co.uk/ If you sign up to our newsletter which we send out on a monthly basis, then you’ll be informed of any exciting news and updates as well as receive exclusive discounts and offers. We are also active on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook under the handle @bayskitchenuk.

Look for the logo on Bay’s Kitchen products, and..

Eat with Confidence!

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