The FODMAP Friendly Guide To Surviving The Silly Season

Posted on December 11, 2017

Survive the Silly Season without Being Bitten by a FODMAP!

The FODMAP Friendly Guide to Surviving the Silly Season

The lead up to, including, and post-Christmas period can be one of the most stressful times of the year for FODMAPpers. We know that food is central to any celebration, whether you’re keeping it low-key this year, or you’re super busy party-hopping.

To keep things simple, we’ve put together a really easy low FODMAP guide to a FODMAP Friendly Christmas. Our 5 top tips will help you to keep your Christmas and holiday season low FODMAP, so you can remain at your best during the most wonderful time of the year.

See them all out below!

Tip 1: Eat low FODMAP during the day of the party.

FODMAPs are directly related to serve size and threshold. By eating low FODMAP meals leading up to the party, you will have more room to move before you reach that dreaded threshold.

Tip 2: Eat small serves from a variety of different food groups.

Smaller portions and eating different foods form different food groups will naturally reduce the risk of overloading and stacking your FODMAPs.

Tip 3: Drink plenty of water

Alcohol isn’t a FODMAP, but it is a gut irritant which can cause and exacerbate an upset tummy. What’s more, we all get a little careless with food choices after a few drinks. Alternating your drinks with water will flush the system and help you keep a straight head to make food choices wisely.

Tip 4: Take something that you know you can eat

If you’re going to someone’s house offer to take a plate to help cater. You can then make sure its got something yummy and low FODMAP on it. That way if all else fails you have something that you can Eat with confidence.

Tip 5: Don’t go hungry!

Getting over hungry makes us less discerning with our food choices. When we are hungry we tend to eat whatever is close and easy. Hunger can disrupt the best laid FODMAP plans. Eat something small and nourishing before you to keep the hunger at bay. Try some of these ideas:

Food for Health muesli bar

Cinnamon Hazelnut & Chia Bars

Stellar Labs protein bar

Banana Coconut Chip Protein Bar

Liddells Lactose Free Yoghurt

Plain Yoghurt

Kez’s Kitchen cereal with lactose free milk

Kez’s Kitchen Cinnamon & Superseeds Cereal with Liddells Lactose Free Milk

If all else fails, carry a twin pack of Naturally Good Munchy Muesli cookies in your bag for emergencies.

Brownie Chomp Muesli Cookies 

Merry Christmas!

Eat with Confidence!

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