MUSHROOMS – high or low in FODMAPS?

Posted on September 15, 2015

As mentioned yesterday, the FODMAP Friendly Food Program is certified and registered in Japan! A staple superfood in Japanese cuisine, mushrooms are packed with a hefty dose of vitamins and minerals, making them a worthy ingredient to any meal. However, for those taking a low FODMAP approach to manage their IBS type symptoms, it can […]

FODMAP Friendly Worldwide – Japan

Posted on September 14, 2015

Did you know that FODMAP Friendly is registered and certified WORLDWIDE, including in Japan? Make sure you pick up a copy of our App, to eat with confidence in any part of the world!  

Spelt Flour – high or low FODMAPs?

Posted on September 10, 2015

Spelt flour has received a lot of attention recently, with regards to its gluten and FODMAP levels. In particular, there seems to be a lot of confusion in the health world about the FODMAP Friendly status of spelt flour, so we thought we would chime in with the answers to some common questions about spelt […]

Wisdom Wednesday – the immune system

Posted on September 09, 2015

It’s time for another ‪#‎WISDOMWEDNESDAY‬! Did you know that 80% or the immune system resides in the digestive tract? All the more reason to pay attention to how you eat! Leave a comment on our facebook page if you did not know this amazing fact!  

FODMAP Friendly vs FODMAP Free?

Posted on September 06, 2015

One of the most common questions we receive from those embarking on a low FODMAP approach to dealing with IBS type symptoms, surrounds the clarification between FODMAP Friendly and FODMAP free. We thought it would be a good idea to provide a comprehensive answer to make things a little clearer for all! The research into FODMAPs […]

Wisdom Wednesday – drinking water with meals

Posted on September 02, 2015

Happy ‪#‎WISDOMWEDNESDAY‬! Did you know that drinking excess water with meals can dilute stomach acid and may actually hinder digestion? Try scaling back on the water during meals and see how it affects your IBS-type symptoms!