We’ve tested TEA!

Posted on October 06, 2015

In the spirit of our UK centered week, we are proud to announce that we have tested one of the most iconic of British beverages – TEA. In fact, statistics show that the UK consumes the most tea per capital, worldwide! We are proud to say that this beloved beverage is classified as FODMAP Friendly. […]

Q and A Friday – Kez’s!

Posted on October 02, 2015

Over the years we have had the pleasure of working alongside some truly passionate people, who were inspired to create delicious products for the many FODMAP Friendly eaters worldwide. We decided to sit down one on one with each of our Certified manufacturers, and allow you to learn a little more about the people behind the brands […]

FODMAP Friendly Recipes – Pumpkin Pie!

Posted on October 01, 2015

Following on from our great interview over at Friendly Little Kitchen, we wanted to share one of Stephanie’s DELICIOUS recipes with you all! In the spirit of our American themed week, we thought a Pumpkin Pie recipe would be appropriate – we hope you all enjoy! Pumpkin Pie with Pecan Crust Serves 10 Crust 1 […]

FODMAP Friendly chat with Friendly Little Kitchen

Posted on October 01, 2015

We recently sat down the lovely Stephanie, from over at Friendly Little Kitchen, to talk about all things FODMAP Friendly! Friendly Little Kitchen is a must stop for information on food, recipes and the bright side of living with intolerances. A big thank you to Stephanie for taking the time to talk with us, and featuring […]